This Week in Reconstruction, February 22-28, 1871

Dublin Core


This Week in Reconstruction, February 22-28, 1871


The battle of state pride and sovereignty, something that Virginia has felt robbed of since rejoining the Union, resurfaced this week, for the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company is attempting to control railroad lines in Virginia and other regions in the South. Even though most Virginians view Reconstruction as finished, this railroad war that shows power struggles between the North and the South post-unification. The Pennsylvania company wants to control the road between Richmond and Washington, which would create great profits for the Virginia company in Richmond if they had control over it. The disagreement was taken to court, where The Fredericksburg, Richmond and Potomac Company was given rights to build the rail from Alexandria to Richmond. Although this was a victorious motion for Virginia, it created further resentment against the North and further feelings of feeling controlled.


February 22-28, 1871


Megan Wiora

